1. The Value of Enterprise Risk Management in Strategic Planning
- Common ERM implementation challenges
- Opportunities exploration, turning risks into business advantage
- Introduction to strategic risk management concepts
- Building an ERM framework
- Strategies for building sustainable ERM practices
- Relevant case studies
2. Embracing COSO 2013 - A ‘Value Added’ Approach to Strengthen Your Internal Control
- Key Concepts of COSO 2013 Integrated Framework
- Key Developments
- Components and Underlying Principles
- Application Techniques
- Key Success Strategies
3. Moving Towards a Risk-Based Internal Audit Approach
- Risk-based internal audit: An important tool for long term success
- Understanding the risk-based internal audit methodology
- Integrating risk assessment and internal audit planning
- Moving beyond comfort zone
- Competency profiles of Internal Auditors: Skills recruited
- Key messages from AC/CEO/CFO for internal auditors
4. Cybersecurity Risks
- Types of cyber attacks
- Common pitfalls and challenges faced by organisations
- Tips and strategies to address cybersecurity threats
5. Development & Implementing a Fraud Risk Assurance Map
- Strategy in developing a fraud risk assurance map
- Fraud risk management: A structured process for implementation
- Whistle-blowing program and its effectiveness: A case study
- Challenges in promoting ethical leadership: Setting the right “Tone at the Top”
- Training the board and C-suite executives on finding landmines in reports
Course Code
- DRM01 – The Value of Enterprise Risk Management in Strategic Planning (2 hours)
- DRM02 – Embracing COSO 2013 – A ‘Value Added’ Approach to Strengthen Your Internal Control (2 hours)
- DRM03 – Moving Towards a Risk-Based Internal Audit Approach (2 hours / 4 hours)
- DRM04 – Cybersecurity Risks (2 hours / 4 hours)
- DRM05 – Development & Implementing a Fraud Risk Assurance Map (2 hours / 4 hours)